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Los ataúdes egipcios de Pairusejer y de Ruru del Museo Arqueológico Nacional de Madrid

Análisis de sus materiales y estado de conservación

María Cruz Medina Sánchez
Publication Year:
Spanish with English abstracts, introduction and conclusion
337 pages, Illustrated throughout in colour and black and white. 8 tables (1 in colour), 428 figures (354 in colour).
BAR number:


Los ataúdes de Pairusejer y Ruru procedentes del lote nº 13 de la Cachette de Bab el-Gasus, que forman parte de la colección egipcia del Museo Arqueológico Nacional (Madrid), se analizan en profundidad en este estudio a través de técnicas instrumentales como SEM, imagen VIL, FRX y FTIR. Estas permiten entender cómo fueron elaborados, qué materias primas se emplearon (maderas, morteros, pigmentos o barnices), qué técnicas artísticas aplicaron y el estado de conservación que estas dos cajas funerarias presentan en la actualidad. Asimismo, con ayuda de la documentación y fotografías conservadas se han podido conocer las condiciones del hallazgo en Egipto, su traslado a España y los cambios que experimentaron desde su llegada al museo madrileño hasta hoy. Se identifican las diferentes maderas, las policromías y su conservación, a la vez que se comprende mejor la evolución española de la disciplina de la Restauración tan ligada a la historia del Patrimonio.

This study provides an in-depth analysis of the coffins of Pairusejer and Ruru, from lot No. 13 of objects found at Bab el-Gasus, now to be found in the Egyptian collection of the Museo Arqueológico Nacional (Madrid), using a variety of techniques, including SEM, VIL imaging, FRX and FTIR. These allow us to understand how the coffins were made, which materials were used (woods, mortars, pigments or varnishes), what artistic techniques were applied and the coffins’ current state of conservation. Moreover, thanks to the documentation and photographs preserved, the conditions of the objects’ discovery in Egypt, their transfer to Spain and the changes they have experienced from their arrival at the Madrid museum can also be taken into account. The different woods and types of polychrome decoration are identified, as well as the methods employed in their conservation, at the same time allowing a better understanding of the evolution of restoration practices in Spain, which is intimately related with the history of Heritage as a field.

María Cruz Medina Sánchez es restauradora y doctora en Prehistoria, Arqueología y Patrimonio por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Tiene experiencia en el tratamiento de objetos arqueológicos en campo y en laboratorio, trabajando desde 2011 en el Servicio de Conservación (SECYR-UAM) como Responsable de Restauración y del Sistema de Gestión de Calidad.

María Cruz Medina Sánchez is a conservator, and holds a doctorate in Prehistory, Archeology and Heritage from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. She has experience in the treatment of archaeological objects both in the field and in the laboratory, and has since 2011 been employed at the Conservation Service (SECYR-UAM) as Conservation Officer and Quality Manager.

‘Para além de elaborado com uma enorme minúcia e rigor informativo, o livro tem a grande vantagem de ser profusamente ilustrado por 428 figuras, a maioria a cores, o que garante o seu valor documental e facilita enormemente a integração da informação por parte do leitor. (…) Esta articulação entre egiptologia e a investigação e restauro está precisamente no cerne da futura investigação nesta área. (…) É, de facto, um livro que tem tudo para ser uma referência de trabalho no estudo dos ataúdes da XXI dinastia e esperamos que venha a ser traduzido para inglês, de forma a ser amplamente utilizado por toda a comunidade científica internacional.’ Prof. Rogério Sousa, CADMO, 2020

‘This study is original, presenting an innovative approach and cutting-edge techniques in Egyptology [and] offering a great opportunity for other scholars to learn, understand, and apply the same methods in their collections all over the world.’ Prof. Antonio J. Morales, Universidad de Alcalá

‘This work brings to the field of Egyptology the vision, work and study of a restorer, with a wide knowledge in the subject and in Egyptology. … This publication opens up new avenues for studying the coffins from a different perspective.’ Dr José Manuel Alba Gómez, Universidad de Jaén

‘The quality of research is remarkable. … This study will be a basic tool for any museum with an Egyptian collection, for universities or for any archaeological mission working in Egypt and Sudan.’ Dr Alejandro Jiménez-Serrano, Universidad de Jaén

Table of Contents (S2940_9781407316734_ToC.pdf, 132 Kb) [Download]

Resumen (S2940_9781407316734_Resumen_Introduccion.pdf, 332 Kb) [Download]